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Frequently Asked Questions

If you do not see your question listed, feel free to contact us.

What are the steps after my loved one passes away at home?

How do I register a Death?

Assistance is provided for all registration. All you need is 1. A Golden Gates Consultant               2. Medical Cause of Death 3. ID of the Dearly Departed                 4. Electronic Birth Certificate of the Dearly Departed 5. Applicant ID   **For INFANT - Medical Cause of Death, Birth Certificate (if Born Alive), ID and Birth Certificate for both parents & Marriage Certificate if applicable.

Are there any grants/ funding available to finance my loved ones funeral?

In Trinidad & Tobago, there are two (2) grants available once the criteria are met. NIBTT Grant- $7500.00 TT (Application can be done before or even after the funeral service date) - 25 Contributions -ID of Applicant and ID of Dearly Departed -Receipt from Golden Gates Funeral Services Ltd. -Electronic Death Certificate. Social Welfare Grant $7000.00 TT (Application should be done before funeral service date) -Invoice from Golden Gates Funeral Services Ltd -Means Test Qualification -Id of Applicant of the Departed -Electronic Death certificate You cannot qualify for both grants. It is one or the other. Contact us for further details.

Can I pay for a funeral service before someone dies?

Yes. Whether it be yours or someone else's, Golden Gates allows pre-financing through our Advanced Planning (Pre-need) Inititives.

Here's what to expect after your loved one passes away in residence.

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